Sunday 11 May 2014

Progression With Pig Trotters

After casting my Pig trotters in wax this was the final outcome of how the trotters looked. I believe they look really effective casted in wax. I wanted to chose a plain casting material which would not detract from the form of the pig trotter. I found wax as a material isn't distracting in a work. It is also a good material to pick up all the textures of the trotter such as lumps and bumps and the toenails.

I have been deciding on how I would be displaying the trotters in my studio space. I decided on painting my walls from white to black to allow me to display my trotters on my walls. The matte black colour contrasts the white wax and allows them to stand out from the wall. You are also able to see the texture of the wax clearer on the black background.

After painting my wall I had help from Rob to hang the trotters. We placed large screws in the back of the walls so they poked out into my space.The large screw allowed me to hang the trotter on the screw due to them being hollow and allowing me not to have to use any visible hanging forms.

My plans for these pieces has been to explore the human/animal relationship, how we are in control and how we revert back to being animals ourselves. I have been exploring the notion of 'packs' and how we as humans show animal behaviour. Throughout this piece what I am exploring has changed slightly. This piece is now more focused for me on exploring the notion of the human/animal relationship and categorization of animals. I have the representation here of the animal, and will now be moving onto the human portrayal in the piece.

After hanging the pieces on the wall I decided that the walls looked to bear. I needed the space to connect with the piece. The piece was more turning into an installation piece than a sculptural piece. To connect the trotters and the wall I added dripping wax to the wall, starting from where the trotter was placed and allowed it to trickle down the wall. I wanted the trotters to appear as higher and bigger than the human aspect. By adding the wax dripping down from the wall it gave the illusion of the trotters being larger and more extended. These large lengths of dripped wax also contrasted with the white wall again.

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