Sunday 11 May 2014

Experimenting Using Modelling Clay

After the failure with casting the birds skull I decided to move onto using more practical material to replicate the skull. I purchased some white modelling clay and experimented with creating a version of the skull. This is the first time I have used this type of modelling material. I found it very difficult to work with due to the amount of time that it allowed you to model the clay with. After a few minutes of being out in the air the clay would become tacky and dry up. This did not allow me enough time to remodel the clay to how I wanted it to be. The modelling clay also did not stick together well once you had molded specific parts of it. For example, this skull that I made I also started to make a skeleton for the bird. I used the image below as a basis for how the skeleton should look. However, due to the problem with the clay sticking together I was unable to keep the skeleton together. 


Modelling clay skull:

Overall, this experiment was a bit of a flop. It didn't give me the end result that I had wanted to achieve with making the skeleton. I didn't like the modelling clay that I used and will be unlikely to use it again. 


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