Sunday 11 May 2014

Photo Editing Process

After taking my deer head photographs I decided to edit them. I felt to match the theme of my work so far that they should be black and white. Using colour would not be right for this type of work and the content I am displaying. I also felt that the photos looked more effective when in black and white. They are quite dark photographs of disturbing content. I wanted them to be dark in colour aswell as content. I started to edit the photographs this way, changing them to black and white and changing the brightness and contrast.

I took a variation of different pictures in different postures and different ways up.

This photo I felt didn't work so well. This was the starting point for my photos, just a basic shoot in my room. After reviewing the photos these had too much background objects and the bed needed to be just all one colour. I also felt that the photos needed to be portrait as I couldn't capture enough of the body. The skull was also not in the right place and not covering all angles of the face.

After I moved onto taking portrait photos. I found that these images made a more effective photo. I got rid of the distracting background pieces and changed the bedsheet to an all black sheet to keep it one colour. The posture in the photo is captured more effectively, and you are able to see more of the body. Lastly, the deer head has also been placed correctly.

After reviewing all the photos I chose three that I thought worked well together. They are all similar in posture as they are forward facing, and all similar angles. I wanted the posture to be very seductive, almost advertising to the viewer. The images clearly show me as a woman, but show my more seductive animalistic side.

Final Photos:


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