Sunday 11 May 2014

Dogging Documentary

I watched this documentary on channel 4 called Dogging Tales. I found this documentary really interesting to watch as it delved into the hidden sexual lives of many people. Dogging is a well known sexual experience where groups people gather in hidden places such as in the woods and have sex with each other or just go to watch others have sex. People from all walks of lives use dogging to gain pleasure from, some alone, some go in couples to spice up their sex lives.

What I found interesting about this documentary and the whole aspect of dogging is that people will often wear animal masks whilst taking part in it. Often they will chose the animal which they believe is most representative to how they feel about themselves/the animal in which they would like to have sex life. For example, a lady in the documentary chose to wear a pig mask. She chose this as pigs are often a very degrading animal to be associated with, they are also dirty animals. This whole representation is how she wanted to portray herself whilst she had sex with others, to be degraded and treated badly whilst in the experience.

Also the name 'dogging' is directly related to the animal. It gained its name from people who would walk their dogs as an excuse to go to these hidden locations and have sex or view sex.

This documentary has opened another avenue for my work to progress in. The sex lives of people are often hidden, but it is often in the bedroom where we reveal our most animalistic sides to others. We like to be treated like animals, bitten, treated roughly and in positions that would commonly be used when animals mate (such as doggy).

Documentary link:

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