Wednesday 7 May 2014

Interesting Article Relating To The Use Of Animals In Art

I have found this article on the internet by 'Occupy For Animals!' relating to the use of animals within art. I found the article interesting due to its strong negativity towards the use of animals in art stating that it is wrong on all accounts of using live animals and dead animals. Although I have strong views on what is right and wrong regarding the use of animals I believe that the views expressed in this article are from an extremist animal rights point of view. These views are not a general view from the public.
This article is interesting to look at however for my own studio work and for my future dissertation proposal aims of writing about the use of animals in art. Personally I have been a vegetarian for around 8/9 years, and although I disagree with the slaughtering of animals for human consumption I have different views as to the use of animals within art. Throughout my personal practice I have been using animal bones and body parts within my work. Many of the bones that I have collected such as my bird and rabbit skull that I tried to use earlier on for casting have been collected whilst I was wandering around fields and or sides of roads. I do not know as to the story of the animals before they have died and what their cause of death has been. Some may have died due to natural causes, some may have died due to being hit by cars or interaction with human contact. It is not for me to know the stories of these animals of what has happened to them before they have died. I have not personally killed them for my own gain, more to the point just using their bodies within my work and collecting them after they have died. I see no harm in using the bodies of these animals after they have died as I am not causing any deliberate harm to their bodies.
The article that I have read disagrees with this opinion saying that it is disrespectful to use the bodies of animals. I can see the point of view that using an animals body could be viewed as disrespectful in a sense of using a dead body for your own gain. I found the article on the whole an interesting read.

Article website:

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