Thursday 3 April 2014

Surveilance Footage

Currently I live opposite a nightclub called Sugarcubes. To fit in with my project I decided to film some footage of people outside of the nightclub. After one of my crit sessions this idea was suggested. Humans often show their most animalistic sides when under the influence. People tend to let go, relax more and get into fights.

I filmed the footage from a bedroom window that looks out to onto the street where Sugarcubes is located. The camera was well hidden as I wanted to get footage where people did not know I was filming them. Often when people know they are being filmed or photographed they act up for the camera. They will often play along, do things that they would not normally do. This is the reason why I wanted to keep the footage undercover.

I want to now take the footage further and edit it. I want the footage to have a darker feel to it, and for the sounds to be muffled and more animal like.

Stills from the footage:

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