Thursday 3 April 2014

Louise Bourgeois

Pink Days and Blue Days
Louise Bourgeois piece Pink Days and Blue Days is made from found objects that hang from a ten-foot-tall steel armature. The piece features a collection of items of clothing and other pieces that are hanging from the bones of dead animals. Every piece that hangs on the steel is said to of had a different meaning to Bourgeois, some items of clothing being saved from her childhood. Included in the objects is a silk coat from her childhood embroidered with nicknames that she was given as a child. Included amongst the clothing also hangs a silk handkerchief and an empty perfume bottle.

Louise Bourgeois, Pink Days and Blue Days, 1997  97.101a-s

The piece has a strong feminine feel to it. With the use of silk materials coloured in white, pale blue and baby pink. The objects hang in a very delicate way, they look to be almost flowing in the ways in which they hang. These items of clothing are strongly contrasted by the use of animal bones. Bones are a representation of death. Once a person dies their bones no longer have a use for clothes. These items are a representation of Bourgeois' childhood. By the mixing of this clothing with dead animal bones perhaps she is suggesting a link between the death of her childhood. These items of clothing also contrast highly with the steel armature that they have been hung onto. The armature appears ugly and building trade like amongst the silk clothing. It is a reminder of cheap modern clothing rails that are often seen hanging displays in cheaply manufactured clothing stores. Again very different to the beautiful clothing items seen hanging here.

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