Tuesday 1 April 2014

Studio Work Research Influences- Modern popular culture can display animalistic characteristics

Mean Girls
  • Demonstration of how humans display pack like animal qualities when together
  • Specific girls group together to 'prey' on other groups
  • Pack leaders in this aspect are the popular girls. They are at the top of the pack and everyone respects/obeys them
  • Everyone must obey the pack leader (the popular girls) or will be cast outside the pack (not be popular)

Lord Of The Flies
  • A group of young boys adapting to living on their own on a deserted island after a crash
  • Going from the normal world of a child living carefree and depending on parents to living independantly
  • Male packs- fighting to become the leader of the pack
  • The boys turn to killing each other, hunting down the weaker less popular members
  • Hunt other animals such as pigs whilst on the island- animals that are seen to be weaker and easier to target for food
  • Gradually lose their clothes the longer they spend on the island. The more time they spend away from human civilisation the more anamalistic traits they seem to take on
  • Beat and torture one another- again fighting to show dominance as the strongest male

True Blood
  • T.V. series which follows the 'werewolf' pack
  • Leaders fight to the death to become leaders of the pack
  • The winner of the fight is given a sacrifice of a young virgin girl to have sex with and then slit her throat
  • Here the human takes on a clear animal characteristic that is genetic which cannot change, the animal characteristic can take control at any time
  • Realistic, the pack leader has first pickings on food, what happens to the pack etc

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