Thursday 3 April 2014

Collecting Bones..

After my chats with Ang about the small skulls I had to cast I decided to try and cast things that were less precious to me. I didn't want the skulls to break as they are very delicate. I decided to take a look around for bones that would be stronger and easier to find.

My first point of call was to go to a local butchers, they had a range of different bones from different types of animals that are used for meat. The bones that I got belonged to a pig.

Skeleton of a pig:

The Butchers were kind enough to give me a scapula bone (the shoulder blade) and two costal cartilage bones. These bones were still covered in fat and some muscle tissue from where the meat had been removed from the bones. I looked up techniques for cleaning bones. There were many different techniques for cleaning the bones, from a burying technique in which you buried the bones to leave the flesh to rot naturally and then dug up the bones after a period later, to a bleaching technique. I have previously used the bleaching technique on my skulls to get rid of excess flesh, and in the circumstances of time and having no garden to bury bones in I thought this would be the best technique to do with these bones.

Article on cleaning bones I looked at:

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