Thursday 3 April 2014

Result Of Bone Bleaching

I left my animal bones to soak in a solution on half hot water half bleach. I changed the solution every 24 hours for three days. I used metal scourers to try scrape off alot of the tissue beforehand on the bones to make it easier for the bleach solution to soften up the tissue. After 24 hours I went back to the bones and tried scrubbing more of the flesh off. The softer red meat flesh was coming off well, however the muscle tissue attached to the bone was not shifting anywhere.

I left the bones to soak again for another 24 hours. After this I went back to the bones, this time taking a sharp knife. I tried using the knife to cut off the muscle tissue from the bone. Some of it I was able to cut into and then peel off the bone. The rest again was too hard to peel off.

Again I changed the water/bleach solution and soaked the bones again for 24 hours. After returning to them again I was still unable to shift the muscle tissue and some of the meat would still not come off. By this point the bones were starting to become very smelly, and stank of rotting. This made it impossible for me to carry on working with them as every time I went near them I would gag! Even when changing the water solution they never lost their smell.

The bones were sadly way to big for me to boil, so I had no other choice but to sadly bin them. However I managed to photograph them before throwing them away.

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