Tuesday 4 March 2014

What's going on?

Handily for my studio work there has been much discussion recently in the media about the youth culture of today. One thing that has particularly stood out recently is the Facebook trend of NekNominate. Friends nominate each other to drink a pint of alcohol, the more daring the mixture the better. The trend has been seen in the media however for all the wrong reasons. People have become more and more daring with the mixtures that they have created, adding such things as bleach creating a toxic pint. 

So far there have been a few deaths due to NekNominate, people dying from drinking bleach, to people getting too drunk from the deadly dare game and killing themselves. This trend really highlights the stupidity of the youth culture I belong to. Anyone who thinks that drinking bleach and alcohol together clearly has a lack of brain cells.

To me I view NekNominate as a popularity contest. People compete through the internet to attempt to gain the most likes on Facebook, or to be talked about as being daring or funny. It is much like a competition to be seen as the best, as to be popular and talked about is all the youth culture wants. 

Through NekNominate we can see the animalistic qualities of the youth culture of today. Much as male lions compete to be the leader of the pack, we as youth compete for each others attention and popularity. We are stupid, we do not think about the impacts that these things may do to our bodies. 

An article from the Telegraph on NekNominate: