Thursday 13 February 2014


I've finally reached the point where I am excited/inspired to start creating my work. I've been waiting for this moment for so so long it's unreal!
I have been again thinking about life cycles, and been thinking more about my own life cycle and how I fit into the world. I am part of this new 'youth culture'. I go out, I drink, I smoke, and I sleep with random people occasionally. It's not the best or the healthiest way of living, but its a fun and exciting way of living. I don't think about the health implications of what I do now, nor do I think too far into the future either. I just about know what I am doing this year, yet alone thinking about the rest of my life.
The point is does anyone ever think about the rest if their lives at this age? Some that are sensible maybe, but we are the youth, why should we care?

This idea is something I want to carry through within my work at this time. I portrayed myself as a skeleton in a previous life cycle piece of my work. I still feel this is an accurate portrayal of how I feel the youth culture of today is. We are living, we are alive, yet by living and doing these things we are slowly killing ourselves off. Every day another young person dies because of something stupid they have done. We live in the now, we live today, not for the rest of our lives.

A typical boozy night out: